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Services Utilized: EVO Safety Culture ProgrammeManagement System ConsultationTrainingAuditingProcurement & DeliveryJanitorial ServicesConstruction (Civil Works)Other
Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with our services overall? Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
Recommendation: How likely are you to recommend our services to others? Very LikelyLikelyNeutralUnlikelyVery Unlikely
Service Quality: How would you rate the quality of the services you received? ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Expectations: Did our services meet your expectations? Exceeded ExpectationsMet ExpectationsBelow Expectations
Communication: How would you rate our communication with you throughout the service process? ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Informed: Did you feel informed and updated throughout the process? AlwaysMost of the timeSometimesRarelyNever
Improvement Suggestions: What could we do to improve our services?
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